Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The 'Collected Thoughts' is No More. Welcome to a New Blog!

Hi everyone,

For those of you who used to read The Collected Thoughts of Nobody Special at www.williwycombe.blogspot.com, I'm afraid to say it is no more. Do not fear though, I'm changing the face of my own tiny piece of the blogosphere hence the change to Arm Chairs & Deck Chairs. Why? It may seem like search-engine optimisation suicide however whilst The Collected Thoughts had allowed me to share my thoughts on the rag-tag world of news and entertainment, I'm now narrowing my scope to encompass two places close to my heart and indeed my homes. So from Chair City (High Wycombe, not technically a city but once home to Britain's furniture trade) to Bournemouth, I'll be blogging my thoughts and opinions on what's going on in these two locales. I was born in High Wycombe and spent my years at secondary school in the town however three years ago I moved from Bucks to Bournemouth, England's own Miami with more pimps, whores, drugs and sex than you can shake the proverbial stick at. It won't all be glamorous. I'll be taking a look at the bigger issues affecting both towns and their residents. I hope you enjoy reading and welcome along to Arm Chairs & Deck Chairs, the new blog from WilliWycombe. Watch out for a new podcast too. For the time being, old podcasts will be hosted at www.williwycombe.podbean.com. Follow me on Twitter @ #williwycombe or drop me a line at willgeldart@hotmail.co.uk.


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