Saturday 20 March 2010

Students Preferred Gas, Not Meow Meow Back in '07-'08

I might be a grouchy young man but even I make the occasional appearance at student house parties. Why, I was present at THAT party back in 2008. Yes, the one that made national news. The Facebook party. Do people still talk about that? Whilst I tip-toed through the houses of Bournemouth's answer to the cast of Skins, I marvelled at the number of empty little cannisters lying on the floor. Back to them later.

There's been a lot of media attention on 'meow meow', a mephedrone drug, that has recently killed two teens. Although techically legal, we know it's deadly. The Echo ran a piece on Thursday about concerns for Bournemouth University students, some of whom were known to be taking the drug for recreational purposes. 'Students in drug-taking storm' is hardly an original story although given recent circumstances, obviously this particular piece is relevant.

As I alluded to earlier, on my forays into studentdom in Bournemouth, those in the Winton house party scene seemed to be getting their kicks from air-filled cannisters. Dozens of them littered windowsills and floors, like empty bullet shells. Nitrus oxide, or laughing gas, certainly seemed to be the drug of choice. Easily available and legal, plus not as harmful as harder drugs, a quick burst can give an ephemeral high. At least you might be led to believe it's not dangerous. Doctors have argued that long-term use can lead to depression and brain damage. So, the comparisons with 'meow meow' are there. Although if you're looking for those types of highs, you're not likely to listen to warnings from a square like me.

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