Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Tragedy of Afghanistan

The whole country is in a solelm mood as it reflects on the deaths of several more young men, heroically fallen in their prime. As Operation Panther's Claw, designed to surge forward to clear what were believed to be only remnants of Taliban insurgents, continues, it becomes more apparent that throughout its duration, we will be hearing daily of similar tragedies.

We will lament the woefully inept hand that the Armed Forces have been given by the Government and surely the in-fighting and bittnerness between politicans and those associated with the Forces will intensify. A few leaked excerpts from one solider depict a sorry tale where those 'in theatre' (what a callous and reductive phrase) are often misguided and hopelessly under-equipped to carry out the tasks given to them.

Operation Panther's Claw, combined with the U.S military offensive, Operation Strike of the Sword, is supposed to be winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. They have become weary of air strikes felling their countrymen so a strategy aimed at taking on a malleable and evolving enemy head-on was sought. What of the thoughts of the British publiic? Confronted by the latest losses, there has been a remarkable stoical resillience. Support for the Armed Forces has reached a fresh high. How many hearts and minds across the world will have to undergo untold physical and mental anguish before this bloody war is over?

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