Thursday, 30 August 2007

Hope, expectation and artistry.

You know, this 'recently graduated' lark isn't all its cracked up to be when you're as unambitious, ambivalent and as cynical as the writer here. Whilst some are off polishing up their C.Vs, dabbling in work experience and generally displaying a pro-active approach to life, yours truly is too busy tinkering with his Football Manager team and already thinking too much of his own mortality to care. Given that this is the case, a move away to a new town where new friends, a new job and potentially a whole new lifestyle awaits, you'd be forgiven for advising me that perhaps it would be better if I just stayed in my comfort blanket of semi full-time cinema work and late nights spent doing very little. Alas, despite lacking direction and purpose, I do still possess some feeling of hope and expectation. This afternoon I was fortunate enough to 'star' (I use the term loosely) in an episode of an online sitcom called 'Who's Toby?' ( Now, I'd never done any proper acting barring a few fleeting appearances in school productions so understandably I was a bit nervous. This was felt even more acutely when reflecting upon my past three years at university. I'm an English and Film studies graduate, surely the only things I could be good at are either writing or acting?! So if I cock this up, suicide is naturally the only alternative to pursue. As it happens, I was told that what I'd done was good and I look forward to seeing the results in five weeks time. I can postpone killing myself for the time being at least and for the next week or so, carry on in my bubble until Bournemouth awaits next week and I find myself well and truly in the...

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